Rules for Backstage

What happens backstage is just as important as what happens onstage. Professionalism is expected at all times.

1. No food or beverages allowed onstage. Only closeable bottled beverages allowed and they must be kept backstage or in hallway.

2. Do not put your personal items on the set or props table.

3. No open-toed shoes (i.e. sandals, flip-flops) or high heeled shoes. Soft-soled shoes only. No shoes with lights on them.

4. No horseplay or pranks allowed.

5. No public display of affection (PDA). This includes hugging, kissing, sitting on laps, etc. Keep your hands to yourself.

6. During rehearsals and shows be in your place or on your way to your place when 5 minutes is called. Remember, at five minutes,

you're early, at places, you're late.

7. No one is allowed backstage or onstage during rehearsals or shows unless they are current crew, cast, staff, or a board member.

8. No playing, sitting, or lying on sets or props.

9. No damaging or abusing props or set. Report violators to stage manager, assistant stage manager, or backstage coordinator.

10. No distracting actors during rehearsal or shows.

11. Once “all black” is called, wear only black clothing and shoes (this includes socks).

12. No roaming. Stay in your area of responsibility or where a person on headset can find you.

13. No mingling with audience members before or during shows except during the meet-and- greet after the show.

14. During intermission, do all preparations before taking a break.

15. Headset wearers should not let anyone use a headset except current crew or staff. Do not let directors, actors, or non-

current crew use them without the permission of the stage manager or assistant stage manager.

16. All backstage volunteers should be age 14 or over.

17. No breaking curtain after house is open.

18. Talking during a performance should be kept to a minimum and should pertain to the production only. Quiet backstage.

19. Try as much as possible to keep consistent with your job responsibilities. Trading of jobs should be avoided.

20. Once you commit to working backstage, try to be available for all technical rehearsals and performances. If this is not possible,

you must clear it with the backstage coordinator prior to tech week.

21. Technical rehearsals can be long and sometimes frustrating. Patience is required and expected at all times.

22. Have fun and remember the applause is for you too!

Name: __________________________________________

Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ______________