The Bent Nail
“The Nail” has become a TGRC institution. Historically, many actors considered a bent nail from the stage a good luck piece. In 1999, Peter Pan was the last TGRC production to use nails in set construction. Two bent nails, found on the stage, were joined together, symbolizing the team spirit of community theatre, and thus began our own tradition. Just prior to opening night for each production, the director selects a cast or staff member who he/she believes embodies the spirit of the show. It may be their work ethic, their attitude, or some other special contribution that prompts their selection to wear the charm during each performance. It is then returned to the director at the end of the run, to be passed along to the next production. The Nail brings both luck and a through-line from show to show, and season to season. Receiving the nail is a very special honor within TGRC, and the announcement of the recipient is eagerly anticipated by every member of the production.
(Children's productions are notated in purple.)